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Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ministry of health
Home / Articles / Health
Ministry of healthby Cristina Nuta -
Health is the most important thing in our lives, it is more essential than money is for us. Therefore, great attention should be paid to our health centers, to hospitals and the way doctors make their job. Still, there are cases when people do not receive the medical attention they need and great measures should be taken in this respect.
First of all, I would like to point that a special treatment should receive people in the countryside. In order for them to be healthy and afford a consultation, then the village surgeries must be developed, by taking there well-prepared doctors, who must pay visits at peoples’ houses, examine the children and the old persons. This will help prevent possible illnesses and doctors will notice the living standard conditions of people
. Then, of course, for the primary medicine in the countryside to be developed, an emergency service should be organized, so that people should receive the first aid in extreme situations and in a short period of time. All these measures should be taken into account, because nowadays, there are some villages which don’t have a doctor, and if they have one, he or she doesn’t do her or his job properly and somebody can die without receiving any help from the hospital.
I strongly believe that our society should create some facilities for both people in the cities and villages, so that people could make medical tests at least two times a year, in order to prevent illnesses which are then difficult to cure. In this way, the number of hospitalized persons will decrease.
What is equally important is the fact that rapid measures should be taken in what concerns homeless people, who should be given special attention and affection. In this case, special centers should be built, where these people can live in better conditions and not on the streets. Therefore, certain illnesses, such as consumption, the result of poverty and bad nutrition, will be prevented to appear at homeless people.
Another interesting aspect that should be done is related to schools, where additional hours on matters such as the consumption of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or sexual themes, must be introduced. In this way, teenagers will receive a lot of information about problems that concern them and they will understand how dangerous these bad habits are for their health. If they will follow some pieces of advice, illnesses such as AIDS or HIV will be prevented.
To conclude, we all should remember that health is above all and that we must preserve this state because 'What goes around comes around' and it could happen to anyone.
Ministry of health written by Cristina Nuta for - Famous People ... Famous Regions, a Lot Of Articles and Free Software Downloads
Ministry of health Image Source :
Carelessness can have tragic consequences

It was pleasantly sunny when I set off on my shopping trip. I thought I would escape the constant hassle and commotion of the city centre by taking a detour along Urria Street. How was I supposed to know this was a bad decision?
Urria Street had really changed a lot since the last time I was there. It seemed to have become one big car park with all kinds of vehicles cluttering up the pavements. The air was thick with the stench of exhaust fumes.
Was it stupidity or plain misfortune that made me choose that café on Urria Street for a cup of coffee? Once inside, I couldn’t relax, because of the noisy traffic outside and the powerful smell of petrol from the service station next door. As I was sipping my coffee, I could see a tanker parked outside. I was alarmed to
notice petrol seeping from a loose pipe onto the pavement. I felt a chill run down my spine and signalled to the waiter to bring me the bill.
As I was leaving the café, a couple of men were pointing agitatedly at the ground and then up to the tanker. The tanker driver seemed to take no notice of them as he stood at the back of the tanker smoking a cigarette. The next moment the ground was ablaze. Huge fumes leapt up into the air. Thick black clouds blurred my vision. The noise was unimaginably loud, the impact immediate and ferocious. I remember the sudden flash of light. An instant later I was unconscious.
I don't know how I feel about it now. It was several days before I regained consciousness and learned that I was one of the lucky few who survived. I don’t know of I should think of it as a terrible accident or search for someone to blame as so many others are doing. But I do know that things will never be the same. My life has changed and from now on I would be much more careful with the things and persons around me, because tragedies follow us at each step if people around us are careless.
Carelessness can have tragic consequences written by Cristina Nuta for - Famous People ... Famous Regions, a Lot Of Articles and Free Software Downloads
Carelessness can have tragic consequences Image Source :
One of the best ways to relax is sleeping. Approximately one third of our life is spent asleep, but when I started to think about sleep, I realized my

For many elderly people the latter part of their lives is not a time to relax and enjoy retirement, but rather a difficult and unhappy period, owing to financial worries, failing health and loneliness. As life expectancy increases, the average person lives well beyond the age of retirement. As a result, the elderly make up an ever-increasing percentage of society, which makes it more important than ever for a real effort to be made in improving the lives of senior citizens.
One way to deal with the situation would be to ensure that the elderly have enough money on which to live. Obviously, when a person stops working, they still require a source of income to cover their basic needs such as food, accommodation and heating. A clear solution to the problem is for the
government to make sure that the state pension is adequate for these needs. Furthermore, free financial advice should be made available to retired people so that the stress of worrying about money could be reduced as much as possible.
Steps should also be taken to overcome problems the elderly face as a result of deteriorating heath due to old age, and inadequate health-care provisions. Again, the responsibility should fall to the government to provide access to the best health care available, which may necessitate paying for residential homes where the elderly can have round-the-clock nursing, or, at the very least, providing medication free of charge to all people over a certain age. As a result, old people would enjoy not only better health, but also peace of mind from the knowledge that they need not fear falling ill and being unable to pay for the treatment.
The lives of old people could also be improved if attempts were made to address the problem of social isolation which so many of them face. If we organised trips for the elderly to community centres, visits from social workers or free bus passes to allow pensioners greater mobility, the effect would be to alleviate the problem of loneliness which marks the lives of so many old people living alone and far from their families.
One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to change the attitude of the community towards its older members, who are all too often seen as a burden on society and dismissed as having little to do with modern life. We need to be taught from an early age to respect the views of old people, and appreciate their broader experience of life. This would help society as a whole, and encourage appreciation of the role that old people can still play today.
To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve the lives of old people. If the government and individuals alike were to help, it would make retirement and old age a time to look forward to, rather than dread.
What could be done to improve the lives of the elderly? written by Cristina Nuta for - Famous People ... Famous Regions, a Lot Of Articles and Free Software Downloads
What could be done to improve the lives of the elderly? Image Source :
What happens when we sleep?

One of the best ways to relax is sleeping. Approximately one third of our life is spent asleep, but when I started to think about sleep, I realized my mind was completely blank. All I knew was that all creatures go to sleep at some point in 24 hours. To find out more, I decided to spend a weekend with the director of a Sleep Laboratory, where scientists try to find out what happens when we sleep. I took a long list of questions to ask her.
First of all, I wanted to know why we sleep. Dr Hernandez said:
'Well, years ago we didn't really know, but recent science has shown that people who don’t sleep enough soon get ill and often die.' So it seems that when we sleep our bodies are being 'repaired'. She went on to say that a lot of natural chemicals come into our bl
ood while we sleep and these can help
Spring and the danger of infectious diseases

by Cristina Nuta -
For the majority of us, spring is a beautiful season, the time of the year when nature comes to life: all trees are in blossom and emanate an aromatic scent with their flowers. Apart from this beauty of nature, spring is also a dangerous season, from the point of view of some diseases, such as varicella or the chicken pox. This is the moment when there is an outbreak of infectious diseases and, consequently, many of us can take the disease if they are not careful.
Varicella and pojar are common in this time of the year. They are diseases which are supposed to appear in childhood, but adults can take them, too if they come in contact with infected persons and if they haven’t made them in their childhood. Therefore, if one member of your family has varicella or pojar
, then there are great chances for the others to take the disease afterwards, if they haven’t made it before.
The advice would be to stay apart from the infected person, but if the virus is in your house, then there are great chances not to prevent from being infected, too. On the other hand, the infected person should stay in one room, in order not to put in danger the other’s health. He or she is supposed to stay indoors for two weeks and try to eat less fat food, drink more liquids and not wash his body all this period. He or she can use some medicine, such as minted powder, each time he or she feels the need to rub his or her body. There are no pains in the body the only problem is that you fell a constant need to rub the affected parts, especially the face, the back and the chest. It is very important no to do it, as you can remain with some signs on your body after you cure.
Therefore, we should be careful in this period not to come in contact with infected persons with these diseases, and if we go to the hospital or to our doctor of family we should stay away from persons who seem to be infected.
Spring and the danger of infectious diseases written by Cristina Nuta for - Famous People ... Famous Regions, a Lot Of Articles and Free Software Downloads
Spring and the danger of infectious diseases Image Source :
Pain Medications for Dogs / Arthritis Medications for Dogs

Pain Medications for Dogs: Be an Informed Pet Owner
A decade ago, few medications were available to treat dogs in pain at home. Dogs were spayed or neutered at the animal hospital, stitched up, and sent home without pain medication. And dogs with painful arthritis limped along without medications that were safe and effective for long-term use.
Today, a new generation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is bringing relief to millions of dogs with arthritis, joint problems or with pain after surgery.
"NSAIDs are extremely effective for controlling pain and inflammation in dogs," says Stephen F. Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D., "These are very valuable drugs that help many pets live to a ripe old age."
But like any medication, NSAIDs carry a risk of side effects, or adverse reactions. Most adverse reactions are mild, but some may be serious, especially if the pain medications are not used according to labeled directions. Some reactions result in permanent damage or even death.
"It's important for pet owners to be aware of the risks and benefits of all drugs, including NSAIDs, so that they can make informed decisions about their pets' health care," says Sundlof. "Owners who give their dog NSAIDs need to know the side effects to watch for that indicate their pet needs medical attention."
Pain Medications for Dogs: Side Effects
The most common side effects from NSAIDs include:
# vomiting
# loss of appetite
# depression
# lethargy
# diarrhea
Serious side effects include:
# gastrointestinal bleeding
# ulcers
# perforations
# kidney damage
# liver problems
"The side effects of NSAIDs are very well known and very well documented," says Michele Sharkey, D.V.M. But this information is not always getting to the pet owner, she says. "If the pet owner can recognize a possible reaction, stop the medication, and get veterinary help, it could mean the difference between a good outcome and a disaster."
Pain Medications for Dogs: Safety and Effectiveness
The CVM (FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine), which regulates medications for use in animals, has approved some NSAIDs for use in dogs with pain from degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) or with pain after surgery. These medications include:
# Etogesic (etodolac)
# Rimadyl (carprofen)
# Metacam (meloxicam)
# Zubrin (tepoxalin)
# Deramaxx (deracoxib)
# Previcox (firocoxib)
# Novox (generic carprofen)
NSAIDs help to control signs of arthritis, including:
# inflammation
# swelling
# stiffness
# joint pain
Inflammation (the body's response to irritation or injury) is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain. NSAIDs work by blocking the production of prostaglandins, the body chemicals that cause inflammation.
The FDA considers approved NSAIDs to be safe and effective when used according to the label and when dog owners are informed about common NSAID adverse reactions.
And veterinarians are becoming increasingly aware of the advantages of recognizing and controlling pain, says Charles Lemme, D.V.M., "We recognize that pets are healing better and faster with pain control."
Lemme says that the emphasis on pain management may be partly because of the availability of the newer NSAIDs. "The NSAIDs we have available now are a lot safer than what we've had before and we're seeing far fewer side effects than before."
Before the newer generation of NSAIDs came along, "people were using NSAIDs such as aspirin in an attempt to mitigate arthritic pain," says Michael Andrews, D.V.M., "We saw the consequence of their use," adds Andrews, who recalls seeing a client who gave her dog aspirin for six weeks, two times a day. "The dog had a bleeding nose that wouldn't stop."
"NSAIDs are used in many, many dogs and the frequency of problems is quite low," says Andrews. "The duration of use makes a difference in safety. If used for a day or two, the risks often are much lower than when used over long periods of time for a chronic arthritic condition."
Drugs used to control pain should be given only when necessary, and in the smallest dose that is effective, says Sharkey. "Arthritis waxes and wanes. Some animals get worse in cold weather. If the dog seems to improve to the point of not needing the drug, the owner should discuss continued use of the NSAID with a veterinarian."
An owner should never give an NSAID to a pet, or increase the dose or frequency of a drug, without the veterinarian's instructions, adds Sharkey. "Just like different people respond differently to a drug, the way each dog responds to an NSAID varies." Because of this individual response, no one NSAID is considered more effective than another, and because every NSAID can cause adverse reactions, none is considered safer than others.
If a dog is prescribed an NSAID, the CVM recommends that pet owners take the following steps to make sure they are fully informed about the medication and can make the best decision for their dog's health.
Go On To Part 2 ----- Guide to Pain Medications for Dogs ----->
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* 2
* 3
Related Resources
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Related Resources
Vet Q & A: Caring for Senior DogsCanine ArthritisDog Musculoskeletal Diseases and Conditions
Related Resources
FDA Center for Veterinary MedicineAmerican Veterinary Medical AssociationAmerican Animal Hospital Association
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Digestive Disorders
If we are what we eat, then what we are is only as good as our digestion. When it goes awry, it generally affects our total well-being. Whether it's mild nausea, a nasty virus, or a chronic disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder of the digestive tract is usually impossible to ignore. If the condition persists, it can undermine our total health, eventually threatening our very lives.
How the Digestive System Works
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a long hollow tube stretching from the head to the end of the body, including the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are also important parts of this far-reaching system.
The main purpose of the GI tract is to break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into molecules small enough to be absorbed through cell membranes. In that way, it provides the cells with the necessary energy for life and health.
Digestion begins in the mouth when food is chewed and starch is broken down by ptyalin, an enzyme secreted in saliva. Food then enters the stomach, where it is reduced to tiny particles and further transformed by gastric juices. The solid portion remains in the stomach for one to six hours until it liquefies completely; liquid passes into the duodenum (small intestine), where numerous enzymes produced by the pancreas, along with bile from the liver, break it down further for absorption. When it finally arrives in the large intestine, all nutritional value has been spent, and the only remaining process is the removal of water before final elimination.
Every section of the GI tract is prone to its own unique disorders--some merely annoying, others potentially fatal. Fortunately, for all but a few we now have simple treatments that will, at the very least, relieve the symptoms.
There are at least 100 million patients in the USA and Canada that have recurrent, long-term gastrointestinal symptoms. More than 80 million people in North America suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Abdominal pain, distension with excess gas, constipation and diarrhea are the four prominent symptoms. Other digestive disorders are common - heartburn afflicts 44% of Canadians & Americans; peptic ulcer disease has an incidence of 8% and non-ulcer dyspepsia afflicts 20-40%.Most members of this large group will self-medicate and suffer long-term.
Some will emerge from this large symptomatic group with well defined disease. The rest of the symptomatic population will remain by default’ suffers of the “irritable bowel syndrome” Most members of this symptomatic group will have other dysfunction associated with and probably caused by their digestive problems. Those who receive the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome will often receive inadequate or inappropriate advice and will be prescribed medication with limited efficacy. Very few long suffering patients will receive adequate instruction in effective diet revision.
Crohn’s, Celiac disease and Ulcerative Colitis are three of the more serious diagnoses that imply a long-term tendency to digestive tract disease. These digestive tract diseases are immune-mediated, with increased permeability of the digestive tract, and are associated with a long list of whole body, immune-mediated diseases. Patients with these conditions are often symptomatic for many years before the diagnosis is made.
Digestive disorders are common diseases that often originate in the food supply. Diet revision should be primary therapy. The gastrointestinal tract is a sensing, reactive device which monitors the material flowing through it. Symptoms arising from this system provide information about its dysfunction. Seven basic symptoms alert you to the gastrointestinal tract's displeasure with your food choices - nausea, heartburn, vomiting, bloating, pain, constipation and diarrhea. Over-the-counter medications for digestive (gastrointestinal) tract symptoms is a multi-billion dollar industry and people often self-medicate when symptoms are mild or infrequent.
Food input to the digestive tract is the neglected as a source of dysfunction and disease; an oversight that the Alpha Nutrition Program can correct. We encourage everyone with digestive tract problems to give diet revision a try.
One strategy to solve digestive tract problems is to take a food holiday. You stop all food input into the unhappy digestive tract and await spontaneous clearing of the problem. Food can be replaced by an elemental nutrient formula - pure nutrients that are well-absorbed, require little digestion, and are free of most problems. Alpha ENF supplies complete nutrition while it bypasses the digestive processes and reduces the input of "wrong stuff" to a minimal level.
77 Canada Pharmacy has products to help with Digestive Disorders. Digestive Disorder Medicine, Digestive Disorder Drugs, Digestive Disorder Pills, Digestive Disorder Diagnosis, Digestive Disorder Health, Digestive Disorder Wellness, Digestive Disorder Ulcers, Digestive Disorder Bowel Syndrome.
Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Dawn Tinted Moisturizer Dawn -- .42 fl oz

Dawn 3-way color. Natural with Olive & Mango Butter Moisturizing Sheer Color. Sheer dawn color for lips, cheeks and eyes that protects against UVA & UVB rays with natural sun block SPF 8.
- moisturizes with creamy Olive & Mango Butter
- adds richness and depth to any skin tone
- colors blend for a custom look
Coppertone NutraShield Faces, Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 70, 3 fl oz Coppertone NutraShield Faces, Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 70, 3 fl oz
Lauren Hutton Face Disc Deluxe w/Phyto Face Firm

No need to spend forever on your face! Lauren Hutton Face Disc Deluxe w/Phyto Face Firm is all you need in one easy-to-use compact palette and brush set for a natural, healthy, "invisible makeup" look for women over 35 with different makeup needs. Formulated to be long-lasting and comfortable to wear, these colors are specially formulated for your skin tone: Pink, Yellow, Olive or Brown. You also receive an additional facial beauty treatment: Lauren's Phyto face firm cream.
Lauren Hutton Face Disc Deluxe w/Phyto Face Firm Includes:
* .48 oz. Face Disc - every makeup product you need is organized into one compact. Makeup has lighter, sheer textures. Spot concealers can cover birthmarks, age spots and other imperfections. Sheer concealer can lighten recessed areas while letting your skin show through. Contour blush is the perfect color for leaving natural-looking shadows. Contouring shadow helps re-shape the appearance of your face and define your features to give you a more youthful appearance. Pooch and nose shadow helps shape and define the nose and helps reduce the appearance of "pooches" on eyelids. Can also be used as an eyeshadow. Eyebrow shadow helps fill in and extend eyebrows for a natural and youthful look. Wet/dry eyeliner can be used to dramatically define or naturally line the eyes. Lip balm helps hydrate, smooth and soften lips.
* 7 pc. brush set - each brush is designed with a corresponding color code so you know which brush to use with each face disc product, for professional-looking results. You receive a 5-1/2"L spotter brush, 5-3/4"L concealer brush, 6"L blush brush, 6"L pooch and nose brush, 5-12"L eyebrow brush, 5-3/4"L eyeliner brush and 2-1/2"L Kabuki brush. Protect your brushes in a teal-gray foldover vinyl pouch. Closed pouch measures 7-1/4"L x 3-3/4"W x 1-1/2"H.
* .75 oz. Phyto Face Firm - skin firming cream temporarily smoothes out the appearance of lines, wrinkles and irregularities. Apply your face disc makeup over this cream to help create a flawless appearance with softer, more refined looking skin. Contains green tea extract, Vitamin A and zinc gluconate.
* Made in USA.
Determine Your Skin Tone
* Pink - if you are very fair, burn before you tan and have skin with pink or porcelain undertones, you should choose pink.
* Yellow - if you are Caucasian, Asian or light mixed race and have beige or yellow undertones, you should choose yellow. Most Caucasian women fall into this category, so if you're unsure, select yellow.
* Olive - if you are a Mediterranean, Latino or of dark mixed race or fair-skinned African-American, you should choose olive.
* Brown - if you are African-American, deep-complexioned Indian or any other dark skin color, you should choose brown .
About Lauren Hutton...
Who better to help you renew your skin's healthy glow and share secret beauty tips than the world's first supermodel - Lauren Hutton! Lauren developed her personal formula for natural-looking makeup over 35 years in front of cameras and through application techniques she learned from top makeup artists. Created to match the changing skin tone of women 40 and older, these lightweight, sheer, shimmer-free formulas can help enhance your features and brighten your skin for a flawless, more youthful look.

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University Medical FaceLift 24 Hour Face Lift
New! Injection free topical alternative to Restylane®*
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Dermatologist visits for Restylane® injections can be expensive. 24 Hour Face Lift™ is an injection - free topical alternative - the First Time-Released Dermal Filler. This patented breakthrough works by continuously releasing Hyaluronic Acid within the skin's surface, naturally filling in "gaps" to visibly decrease the look of wrinkles and enhance smoothness & elasticity. Think of it as getting a face lift every hour!
Right Away - Fine lines look invisible almost instantly.
In Days - Reduces the appearance of surface wrinkles.
In Weeks - Reduces the appearance of deeper wrinkles.
Maximize - For enhanced benefits, use in combination with Face Lift® Wrinkle Free™ (topical alternative to Restylane® & Botox®*).
Questions or Comments:
1-800-535-0000 M-F 8am - 5pm (PST)
Made in U.S.A.
*Botox® and Restylane® are registered trademarks of Allergan Inc. and Medicis Aesthetics Holdings, respectively.
Sun Giese'e Strictly Faces Self Tanner

Refined, gentle, and designed specifically for face self tanning with an SPF of 15. It does double duty as it fights off the aging effects of the sun and reduces wrinkles with active natural fruit acids.
Giese'e has searched the entire world for this wondrous blend of natural ingredients to create the richest looking tan in the most luxurious way without the sun. These totally natural ingredients serve to moisturize, hydrate and protect the body without clogging pores or irritating sensitive skin.
Four levels of self tanning are available to give you the best results possible:
* Level 1 for light tanning shade
* Level 2 for medium tanning shade
* Level 3 for deeper, darker tan
* Level 4 for very dark tanning shade
To use: Apply a liberal amount of lotion to face and neck using the fingertips. Reapply as often as desired for dark tan appearance. Can be applied in the morning under makeup of in the evening as a facial moisturizer.
Helpful Tips: Contain no sunscreens. Wait at least one hour after use before contact with water or bathing. Avoid direct contact with fabric immediately after application. Avoid contact with eyes. If irritation occurs discontinue use.
Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Benzophenone-3, Deionized Water, Ethoxydiglycol, Dihydroxyacetone, Emulsifying Wax, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Hazelnut/Pecan Oil, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol (and) Walnut (Juglans Regia) Extract, Polysorbate-80 (and) Cetyl Acetate (and) Acetylated Lanolin Alcohol, PEG-100 Stearate, Isopropyl Palmitate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Sugar Cane Extract (and) Citrus Extract (and) Apple Extract (and) Green Tea Extract, DEA-Cetyl Phosphate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance, Sodium Metabisulfite, Triethanolamine.
Product Reviews and Rating:
Isomers One 3000 For Face

Isomers One 3000 for Face - 1.86oz
New ingredient Matrixyl 3000 + Argirilene, Copper, and H-Pur
To have this product automatically shipped to you every 60 days, please see Z3174 .
# Reduces the appearance of the main wrinkle depth and volume (skin is smoother)
# Helps reduction of roughness (the appearance of the skin is softer)
# Helps reduction of complexity (the appearance of the skin is firmer)
# Increase in the appearance of skin tone (the appearance of the skin is firmer)
# Helps support the skin and keep it smoother and younger looking without dryness.
# Cell messenger peptides help to stimulate the skin and cell turnover.
# Synergistic combination of peptides to provide anti-wrinkle activity to the skin.
# Helps support sensitive and aging skin.
How to Use: Use 3 - 5 drops. Once or twice a day, or as needed. Can be used all over face. Follow with moisture cream.
Sodium Hyaluronate, Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, Glycerin, Water/Aqua, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Polysorbate 20, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, Glyceryl Polymethacrylate, Propylene Glycol, Saccharomyces/Magnesium Ferment, Saccharomyces/Copper Ferment, Saccharomyces/Iron Ferment, Saccharomyces/Zinc Ferment, Saccharomyces/Silicon Ferment, Biotin, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.
Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Obsessively Organic® Pore Shrink Mask

Obsessively Orgainc® Deep Pore Cleansing Mask
Minimize pore, control acne and increase circulation with this deep cleansing clay mask. Clove, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass Oils are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory for clean, healthy skin.
Ingredients: Certified Organic Floral Water of Lemongrass, Dandelion*, Lemon Balm*, Rosemary*, Steam Distilled Water, Infusion of Certified Organic Herbs of Chamomile*, Fennel* & Milk Thistle*, Certified Organic Aloe Vera, Kaolin Clay, Bentonite Clay, Witch Hazel, Vegetable Glycerine, Tea Tree Oil, Lemon Grass Oil, Clove Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Grapefruit Oil
After cleansing the face and neck area with Start Up Exfoliating Face Wash, appy mask evenly in a circular, upward manner. Let dry for at least 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use as often as neededand follow with Balancing Act facial Toner, C The Change, Ester C Serum or Break Out Acne Gel, for extra acne control. Finish with Cell Mate 15 Facial Creme and Sunscreen.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Peaches & Cream Alpha Hydroxy Moisturizer -- 4 oz

Alpha Hydroxy Acids are all natural substances found in fruits and sugar cane. They gently speed up the exfoliation process while improving skin tone and texture. With 8% alpha hydroxy acids, we have created an intensive moisturizer for the face and neck.
* exfoliates, allowing healthy skin cells to emerge
* quickly absorbing, long-lasting emollience
* improves even severely dry skin
* improves skin tone and texture
* reduces discoloration and age spots
Ingredients: Purified water, mixed fruit extracts of lactic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid (and) tartaric acid, isopropyl palmitate (coconut derived emollient), emulsifying wax (coconut derived emulsifier), stearic acid, glyceryl stearate (vegetable derived emulsifier), coco-caprylate/caprate (coconut derived emollient), Glycerin (Vegetable Emollient), safflower oil, sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, soybean oil, shea butter, squalane (olive oil derived moisturizer), aloe vera gel, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A) tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), allantoin, lecithin, extracts of peach leaf, lemongrass, orange blossoms, sugar cane, citrus pectin (and) grapefruit seed, fragrance, methylparaben, propylparaben, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate (vegetable derived preservative).
Free Of
Animal ingredients, animal testing, artificial colors and unnecessary chemicals.
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Apply to a small area of the face to test for irritation. If irritation develops, discontinue use.
Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication.
Apivita Express Instant Lifting Face Mask with Red Wine

Aqua (Water, Camelia Sinensis-Green Tea-Leaf Aqueous Infusion), Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Glycerin, Neopentylglycol Diheptanoate, PEG-60 Almond Glycerides, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan), Wine Extract, Gelidium Cartilagineum Extract, Aloe Barbadensis (Leaf Juice) Gel, Alkanna Tinctoria (Root) Extract, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Algae (Extract), Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Mannitol, Dextrin, Dextran, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Butylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tocopherol, Bisabolol, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Phospholipids, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Parfum (Fragrance), Sodium Hydroxide, Polyglyceryl-10 Stearate, Disodium EDTA, Hexyl Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional
Save My Face

"Pillow face" wrinkles, creases and puffiness can become permanent. "Save My Face!" pillows support your head, keeping your face and eye tissue away from the sleeping surface. Grand Pillow is to be used in place of your existing pillow. Hypoallergenic and washable. Includes pillowcase and instructional DVD. Pillowcase is machine washable. White (an AWC exclusive). 100% cotton. USA. USA. 22"L x 15"W x 5"H.
Borghese Fango Active Mud for Face and Body 32 oz. Limited Edition!!

Borghese Fango Active Mud for Face and Body 32 oz. Limited Edition!!!
Borghese exclusive mineral-enriched mud mask is sourced from Tuscany's volcanic hills. It energizes and nourishes skin cells on the face and body. Special absorbing action unclogs pores, eliminates dead skin cells and detoxifies impurities. Skin feels comfortably hydrated, firmer and invigorated.
What it does
Italian Mud - Provides mineral nourishment and special absorbing action which rids skin of impurities.
Acqua di Vita® Complex - Revitalizes skin, reducing the signs of aging.
Geranium, Lavender and Peppermint Oils - Natural botanicals that stimulate and improve skin tone.
Avocado and Sweet Almond Oils - Moisturize and soften skin.
How to Use
Apply generously (about one quarter inch thick) to clean skin (face, neck and/or body). Avoid lip and eye area.
Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.
Rinse off thoroughly using sponge or washcloth.
Best Friends
Cura-C Anhydrous Vitamin C Treatment
Tono Body Lotion
Badger SPF 30 For Face & Body Badger SPF 30 For Face & Body
Heart Formula - 60 caps

Heart Formula, 60 capsules, Nature's Way
This formula represents the powerful synergy of current scientific research and traditional herbal medicine. Key ingredients include Hawthorn Extract, CoQ10, and Natural Vitamin E.
Usage: Heart formula includes Hawthorn extract to help improve blood and nutrient flow to the heart muscle. CoQ10, to support normal heart function. Folic Acid, B-Vitamins and Betaine, to help reduce homocysteine levels, and Natural Vitamin E, to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Siberian Ginseng is also added since it is traditionally recognized as a stress adaptogen.*
Recommended Daily Dosage:
Take two capsules twice daily preferably with food.
The following list is for serving size of 2 capsules
Primary Ingredients Amount, USRDA
# Betaine Anhydrous 200 mg
# Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinone 15 mg
# Folic Acid, folate 300 mcg 75%
# Hawthorn, dried extract (1.8%-2.2% Vitexin) 350 mg
# Niacin, vitamin B-3 20 mg
# Potassium (aspartate, chloride) 20 mg
# Pyridoxine HCL 50 mg
# Reishi, dried extract (10% polysaccharides) 25 mg
# Siberian Ginseng Root 250 mg
# Vitamin B-12, cyanacobalamin 400 mcg
# Vitamin E d-alpha tocopheryl 50 IU
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Millet
Usage Warnings: Keep out of the reach of children.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Bayer Pain Reliever, With Heart Advantage
Aspirin plus Cholesterol Lowering Phytosterols
* Aspirin, to protect your heart by keeping your blood flowing freely
* Phytosterols, to help lower bad cholesterol*
If you are on a cholesterol-lowering medication, be sure to ask your doctor if Bayer Aspirin with Heart Advantage is right for you.
*Dietary supplements or food containing at least 400mg per serving of free phytosterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 800mg, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol.
Each Bayer Aspirin with Heart Advantage Duo-Cap contains 400mg of free phytosterols.
This product is not a replacement for cholesterol-lowering medications.
Path of the Heart Music CD
A breathtakingly beautiful album by this seasoned artist of healing music.
Highstein's melodies seem to float on a sea of nurturing and warmth, as delicate textures enfold the listener and soothe the soul.
Joining Max on piano and synthesizers is long time Kenny Loggins sideman Jon Clarke on flute, with oboe, cello, strings and more. Great for quiet times and massage, the whole album has a wonderful flow that's mystical, yet grounded.
Herbal Medicine: From the Heart of the Earth - Wise Woman Herbals
Return to product information Chinese Herbal Medicine for Heart block

Disclaimer: While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information than that shown on our Web site. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products.
Brioschi Gingera All Natural Heart Burn Relief Granules, 4.25 Oz Brioschi Gingera All Natural Heart Burn Relief Granules, 4.25 Oz

Brioschi Gingera All Natural Heart Burn Relief Granules, 4.25 Oz
Brioschi Gingera All Natural Heart Burn Relief Granules, 4.25 Oz
Type: Burns, Heartburn, Indigestion, Nausea
Gingera Granules works instantly to relieve your heartburn, acid indigestion and nausea symptoms.
Part #: 12420
Sellers Found: 10
Available Since: Nov 3, 2008
Lowest Price: $8.66
BigHeart Slides Big Heart Slide Mojo Medicine Bottle Guitar Slide
King Bio Natural Medicines Heart Regularity 2 oz

Product Description
Indications for Use: Helps the body regulate nerve impulses to the heart.
Ingredients: Apocynum Cannabinum, Baryta Carbonica, Cactus Grandiflorus, Convallaria Majalis, Digitalis Purpurea, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Glonoinum, Naja Tripudians, Phosphorus, Spigelia Anthelmia, Spongia Tosta. Each ingredient is in equal volumes of 10x, 30x, and 100x potencies in a pure water base.
Nutricology Liver Organic Glandular
MYOGENIX Liver Fix 120 Caps

Vitamins & Nutrition Type: Nutritional Supplements - Formula: Capsules - Supplement Type: Amino Acids - SupVitMin Type: Amino Acids
Liver Fix utilizes the best techniques for detoxification and regeneration by combining Ayurvedic, Chinese, and European Medicine with precise doses of amino acids and other powerful nutrients. Liver Fix not only assists
New Chapter Liver Force, 60 Vcaps

Mycomedicinals® Liver Force™ promotes what Traditional Chinese Medicine calls “chi,” or vital energy. The liver is responsible for detoxification of harmful chemicals in our environment and food and for responding to a wide range of biological challenges such as parasites, microbes and viruses. It manufactures key compounds such as cholesterol and glutathione. And it is under great stress and challenge today. For thousands of years, traditional medicine has turned to specific healing mushrooms to promote the normal functioning of the liver in its all-important tasks.
Liver Force™ brings together the most revered and important of these traditional species whose liver protective effects have been validated by modern science, featuring Coriolus versicolor and other synergistic species. For maximum benefit take with New Chapter’s™ Gingerforce™ Supercritical Therapy® formulation to increase bioavailability and activity.
The Inside Scoop:
Organic Mushroom Mycelium to Promote Healthy Liver Performance and Energy
Ingredient Details:
Serving size 2 Vcaps.® Two Vcaps® contain Organic Turkey Tail 422mg Organic Zhu Ling 250mg Organic Reishi 124mg Organic Cordyceps 124mg Organic Shiitake 40mg Organic Chaga 40mg Other ingredients: Modified cellulose (capsule) and organic myceliated brown rice.
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take two Vcaps® daily. Can be taken anytime, even on an empty stomach.
As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
CTD Labs Complete Mass Stack #2 (1 X Supervol, 1 X Liver Armor, 1 X Testradex, 1 X Noxavol, 1 X CTD Kre-Alkalyn)

CTD Labs Complete Mass Stack #2 (1 X Supervol, 1 X Liver Armor, 1 X Testradex, 1 X Noxavol, 1 X CTD Kre-Alkalyn) - Click to Enlarge
Shipping Rates | Shipping Transit Times
CTD Labs Complete Mass Stack #2 (1 X Supervol, 1 X Liver Armor, 1 X Testradex, 1 X Noxavol, 1 X CTD Kre-Alkalyn)
Average Customer Rating:
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Item #: CTD47
Retail: $314.96
Sale: $144.95
You Save: 54%
Availability: Usually ships within 48-72 hours
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Liver Detox 2oz from King Bio Natural Medicines
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Liver Detox 2oz from King Bio Natural Medicines
Indications for Use:Naturally assists with the normal processes of detoxification and drainage.
Arsenicum Album, Baptisia Tinctoria, Berberis Vulgaris, Bryonia Alba, Carduus Marianus, Chelidonium Majus, Chionanthus Virginica, Cinchona Officinalis, Lycopodium Clavatum, Magnesia Muriatica, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Taraxacum Officinale
KING BIO LIVER DETOX 2OZ by King Bio Natural Medicine KING BIO LIVER DETOX 2OZ by King Bio Natural Medicine
KING BIO LIVER DETOX 2OZ by King Bio Natural Medicine
Himalaya USA Liver Care 180 capsules Himalaya USA Liver Care 180 capsules
Himalaya USA Liver Care 180 capsules
King Bio Natural Medicines Liver Detox 2 oz

Product Description
Ingredients: Arsenicum Album, Baptisia Tinctoria, Berberis Vulgaris, Bryonia Alba, Carduus Marianus, Chelidonium Majus, Chionanthus Virginica, Cinchona Officinalis, Lycopodium Clavatum, Magnesia Muriatica, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Taraxacum Officinale
Return to product information Chinese Herbal Medicine for Liver cyst
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Colon & Liver Cleanser, Truman's CAC Tea, Loose Leaf - 1/2 lb. Colon & Liver Cleanser, Truman's CAC Tea, Loose Leaf - 1/2 lb. Colon & Liver Cleanser,

Use of this colon and liver cleansing tea has many additional benefits: improves overall digestion; strengthens the immunity; helps to prevent cancer; makes the skin more emollint and flexible: clears the eyes; and provides an overall tonic effect on the body.
Ingredients: Cascara Sagrada, Buchthorn, Burdock, Dandelion, Licorice Root, Red Clover, Pau d' Arco, Astragalus.
Usage: Prepare tea. Adults 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily. Children 1/4 to 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times daily. Infants 1 to 2 tablespoons daily. Keep unused tea refrigerated.
Conditions: Abscesses, Acne, Age Spots, Anemia, Appendicitis, Arthritis, Auto-immune Diseases, Backache, Birth - Prevention of defects, Blood, Bowel & Colon, Breast Cancer/Tumors, Breath (offensive), Bronchial (Bronchitis), Bronchial (Bronchitis), Bursitis, Cancer, Chicken Pox, Cold Sores, Colitis, Colon, Constipation, Cramps - Digestive/Menstrual/Muscle, Croup, Cuts, Cystitis, Deposits (Calcium in the system), Digestive Problems, Diverticulitis, Ear - Aches, Infection, Hearing, Eczema, Epilepsy, Feet - Odor, Fever, Growths/Enlargements, Hepatitis, Hypoglycemia, Jaundice, Kidneys, Laxatives, Leprosy, Lumbar Pain (PAIN & POOR DIGESTION), Lupus, Lymphatics, Meningitis (also known as Spinal Meningi, Meningitis, Menstrual Problems - Profuse Flow, Migraine Headache, Mucus, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Open Sores And Ulcers, Parasites, Peritonitis, Peritonitis, Pituitary, Pneumonia, Poison Ivy/Oak, Prostate Problems, Shingles, Skin Disorders, Skin Erruptions, Smoking, Sore Throat, Spinal Meningitis, Spleen, Stomach - Tumors, Tuberculosis, Tumors, Ulcers, Varicose Veins, Venereal Disease, Vitality, Voice - Hoarseness, Warts, Weight Loss, Yeast Infection, Impetigo.
Harmful Effects of Medicines on the Adult Digestive System

The liver processes most medicines that enter the bloodstream and governs drug activity throughout the body. Once a drug enters the bloodstream, the liver converts the drug into chemicals the body can use and removes toxic chemicals that other organs cannot tolerate. During this process, these chemicals can attack and injure the liver.
Drug-induced liver injury can resemble the symptoms of any acute or chronic liver disease. The only way a doctor can diagnose drug-induced liver injury is by stopping use of the suspected drug and excluding other liver diseases through diagnostic tests. Rarely, long-term use of a medicine can cause chronic liver damage and scarring (cirrhosis).
Medicines that can cause severe liver injury include large doses of acetaminophen (and even in small doses when taken with alcohol), anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and valproic acid, the antihypertensive methyldopa, the tranquilizer chlorpromazine, antituberculins used to treat tuberculosis such as isoniazid and rifampin, and vitamins such as vitamin A and niacin.
Warning signs (for liver injury)- Severe fatigue.
- Abdominal pain and swelling.
- Jaundice (yellow eyes and skin, dark urine).
- Fever.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- If you have ever had a liver disease or gallstones, you should discuss this with your doctor before taking any medicines that may affect the liver or the gallbladder.
- Take these medicines only in the prescribed or recommended doses.
Liver Diseases

Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It is also one of the most important. The liver has many jobs, including changing food into energy and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood. Your liver also makes bile, a yellowish-green liquid that helps with digestion.
There are many kinds of liver diseases. Viruses cause some of them, like hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Others can be the result of drugs, poisons or drinking too much alcohol. If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness, it's called cirrhosis. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, can be one sign of liver disease.
Like other parts of your body, cancer can affect the liver. You could also inherit a liver disease such as hemochromatosis.