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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ministry of health

Ministry of health
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Ministry of healthby Cristina Nuta -

Health is the most important thing in our lives, it is more essential than money is for us. Therefore, great attention should be paid to our health centers, to hospitals and the way doctors make their job. Still, there are cases when people do not receive the medical attention they need and great measures should be taken in this respect.

First of all, I would like to point that a special treatment should receive people in the countryside. In order for them to be healthy and afford a consultation, then the village surgeries must be developed, by taking there well-prepared doctors, who must pay visits at peoples’ houses, examine the children and the old persons. This will help prevent possible illnesses and doctors will notice the living standard conditions of people
. Then, of course, for the primary medicine in the countryside to be developed, an emergency service should be organized, so that people should receive the first aid in extreme situations and in a short period of time. All these measures should be taken into account, because nowadays, there are some villages which don’t have a doctor, and if they have one, he or she doesn’t do her or his job properly and somebody can die without receiving any help from the hospital.

I strongly believe that our society should create some facilities for both people in the cities and villages, so that people could make medical tests at least two times a year, in order to prevent illnesses which are then difficult to cure. In this way, the number of hospitalized persons will decrease.

What is equally important is the fact that rapid measures should be taken in what concerns homeless people, who should be given special attention and affection. In this case, special centers should be built, where these people can live in better conditions and not on the streets. Therefore, certain illnesses, such as consumption, the result of poverty and bad nutrition, will be prevented to appear at homeless people.

Another interesting aspect that should be done is related to schools, where additional hours on matters such as the consumption of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or sexual themes, must be introduced. In this way, teenagers will receive a lot of information about problems that concern them and they will understand how dangerous these bad habits are for their health. If they will follow some pieces of advice, illnesses such as AIDS or HIV will be prevented.

To conclude, we all should remember that health is above all and that we must preserve this state because 'What goes around comes around' and it could happen to anyone.

Ministry of health written by Cristina Nuta for - Famous People ... Famous Regions, a Lot Of Articles and Free Software Downloads
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