by Cristina Nuta -
For the majority of us, spring is a beautiful season, the time of the year when nature comes to life: all trees are in blossom and emanate an aromatic scent with their flowers. Apart from this beauty of nature, spring is also a dangerous season, from the point of view of some diseases, such as varicella or the chicken pox. This is the moment when there is an outbreak of infectious diseases and, consequently, many of us can take the disease if they are not careful.
Varicella and pojar are common in this time of the year. They are diseases which are supposed to appear in childhood, but adults can take them, too if they come in contact with infected persons and if they haven’t made them in their childhood. Therefore, if one member of your family has varicella or pojar
, then there are great chances for the others to take the disease afterwards, if they haven’t made it before.
The advice would be to stay apart from the infected person, but if the virus is in your house, then there are great chances not to prevent from being infected, too. On the other hand, the infected person should stay in one room, in order not to put in danger the other’s health. He or she is supposed to stay indoors for two weeks and try to eat less fat food, drink more liquids and not wash his body all this period. He or she can use some medicine, such as minted powder, each time he or she feels the need to rub his or her body. There are no pains in the body the only problem is that you fell a constant need to rub the affected parts, especially the face, the back and the chest. It is very important no to do it, as you can remain with some signs on your body after you cure.
Therefore, we should be careful in this period not to come in contact with infected persons with these diseases, and if we go to the hospital or to our doctor of family we should stay away from persons who seem to be infected.
Spring and the danger of infectious diseases written by Cristina Nuta for FamousWhy.com
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Spring and the danger of infectious diseases Image Source : freeschoolclipart.com
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