Digestive Disorders
If we are what we eat, then what we are is only as good as our digestion. When it goes awry, it generally affects our total well-being. Whether it's mild nausea, a nasty virus, or a chronic disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder of the digestive tract is usually impossible to ignore. If the condition persists, it can undermine our total health, eventually threatening our very lives.
How the Digestive System Works
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a long hollow tube stretching from the head to the end of the body, including the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are also important parts of this far-reaching system.
The main purpose of the GI tract is to break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into molecules small enough to be absorbed through cell membranes. In that way, it provides the cells with the necessary energy for life and health.
Digestion begins in the mouth when food is chewed and starch is broken down by ptyalin, an enzyme secreted in saliva. Food then enters the stomach, where it is reduced to tiny particles and further transformed by gastric juices. The solid portion remains in the stomach for one to six hours until it liquefies completely; liquid passes into the duodenum (small intestine), where numerous enzymes produced by the pancreas, along with bile from the liver, break it down further for absorption. When it finally arrives in the large intestine, all nutritional value has been spent, and the only remaining process is the removal of water before final elimination.
Every section of the GI tract is prone to its own unique disorders--some merely annoying, others potentially fatal. Fortunately, for all but a few we now have simple treatments that will, at the very least, relieve the symptoms.
There are at least 100 million patients in the USA and Canada that have recurrent, long-term gastrointestinal symptoms. More than 80 million people in North America suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Abdominal pain, distension with excess gas, constipation and diarrhea are the four prominent symptoms. Other digestive disorders are common - heartburn afflicts 44% of Canadians & Americans; peptic ulcer disease has an incidence of 8% and non-ulcer dyspepsia afflicts 20-40%.Most members of this large group will self-medicate and suffer long-term.
Some will emerge from this large symptomatic group with well defined disease. The rest of the symptomatic population will remain by default’ suffers of the “irritable bowel syndrome” Most members of this symptomatic group will have other dysfunction associated with and probably caused by their digestive problems. Those who receive the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome will often receive inadequate or inappropriate advice and will be prescribed medication with limited efficacy. Very few long suffering patients will receive adequate instruction in effective diet revision.
Crohn’s, Celiac disease and Ulcerative Colitis are three of the more serious diagnoses that imply a long-term tendency to digestive tract disease. These digestive tract diseases are immune-mediated, with increased permeability of the digestive tract, and are associated with a long list of whole body, immune-mediated diseases. Patients with these conditions are often symptomatic for many years before the diagnosis is made.
Digestive disorders are common diseases that often originate in the food supply. Diet revision should be primary therapy. The gastrointestinal tract is a sensing, reactive device which monitors the material flowing through it. Symptoms arising from this system provide information about its dysfunction. Seven basic symptoms alert you to the gastrointestinal tract's displeasure with your food choices - nausea, heartburn, vomiting, bloating, pain, constipation and diarrhea. Over-the-counter medications for digestive (gastrointestinal) tract symptoms is a multi-billion dollar industry and people often self-medicate when symptoms are mild or infrequent.
Food input to the digestive tract is the neglected as a source of dysfunction and disease; an oversight that the Alpha Nutrition Program can correct. We encourage everyone with digestive tract problems to give diet revision a try.
One strategy to solve digestive tract problems is to take a food holiday. You stop all food input into the unhappy digestive tract and await spontaneous clearing of the problem. Food can be replaced by an elemental nutrient formula - pure nutrients that are well-absorbed, require little digestion, and are free of most problems. Alpha ENF supplies complete nutrition while it bypasses the digestive processes and reduces the input of "wrong stuff" to a minimal level.
77 Canada Pharmacy has products to help with Digestive Disorders. Digestive Disorder Medicine, Digestive Disorder Drugs, Digestive Disorder Pills, Digestive Disorder Diagnosis, Digestive Disorder Health, Digestive Disorder Wellness, Digestive Disorder Ulcers, Digestive Disorder Bowel Syndrome.
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