It was pleasantly sunny when I set off on my shopping trip. I thought I would escape the constant hassle and commotion of the city centre by taking a detour along Urria Street. How was I supposed to know this was a bad decision?
Urria Street had really changed a lot since the last time I was there. It seemed to have become one big car park with all kinds of vehicles cluttering up the pavements. The air was thick with the stench of exhaust fumes.
Was it stupidity or plain misfortune that made me choose that café on Urria Street for a cup of coffee? Once inside, I couldn’t relax, because of the noisy traffic outside and the powerful smell of petrol from the service station next door. As I was sipping my coffee, I could see a tanker parked outside. I was alarmed to
notice petrol seeping from a loose pipe onto the pavement. I felt a chill run down my spine and signalled to the waiter to bring me the bill.
As I was leaving the café, a couple of men were pointing agitatedly at the ground and then up to the tanker. The tanker driver seemed to take no notice of them as he stood at the back of the tanker smoking a cigarette. The next moment the ground was ablaze. Huge fumes leapt up into the air. Thick black clouds blurred my vision. The noise was unimaginably loud, the impact immediate and ferocious. I remember the sudden flash of light. An instant later I was unconscious.
I don't know how I feel about it now. It was several days before I regained consciousness and learned that I was one of the lucky few who survived. I don’t know of I should think of it as a terrible accident or search for someone to blame as so many others are doing. But I do know that things will never be the same. My life has changed and from now on I would be much more careful with the things and persons around me, because tragedies follow us at each step if people around us are careless.
Carelessness can have tragic consequences written by Cristina Nuta for FamousWhy.com
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Carelessness can have tragic consequences Image Source : freeschoolclipart.com
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